

This is my first attempt to install X and xfce4 window manager to my A13-olinuxino-MICRO. The recommended image from olimex Debian image has no X support. I wanted to install xfce4 WM but micro has no ethernet or wifi, so getting on line was an issue. This is what i did:

  • I’ve downloaded the image (link is above) from olimex wiki
  • copied it in my sdcard with this command: sudo dd bs=4M if=~/<somewhere_in_my_pc>/A13_Micro_Debian_1GHz_GPIO_100kHz_I2C_WIFI_USB_LAN_without_X_and_touch_first_release.img of=/dev/sdd  (sdd is my sdram card). Now my olinuxino-MICRO boots into the classic screen prompting for user name and password (username:root/password:password).
  • Now the first question I had was: how can you install packages without ethernet or wifi? What i did was downloading packages from debian via my desktop (which was connected to the internet) and used them to install all the additional packages i  needed. This is what I did in detail:
  • I’ve downloaded the latest iso of debian with xfce window manager from this link, and extracted the iso to my hard drive with an archiving program.
  • Then I’ve copied debian-7.0.0-armhf-xfce-CD-1/pool/main folder to a usb drive, which  i’ve mounted to my olimex board (mount /dev/uba1 /media/test, where test is a folder I have created inside media folder), via a usb hub. In the hub i have also attached a wireless keyboard with a touchpad. In the above picture you can see my setup.
  • My plan was to install the packages needed for X and for the window manager, by setting up a local repository in a usb drive. I have followed the instructions on this link, but I failed to install a local repository, so I started installing every package by had (command:dpkg -i package_name.deb), after installing all of its dependencies. It took me almost two evenings to do so, but I finally did it!
  • This is the image I have created! I have installed openoffice, icewheasel, python and a few small apps. Download the tarred-gziped file and bytecopy it with dd (like the command above) to your sdcard. Enjoy!